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Meet Carlos

My name is Carlos.


I was born in Guatemala, and about 8 years ago I moved to the United States. I remember very well, a friend told me “This country is the country of opportunities", he was right. Although like everything, it was not easy to start from scratch. One of the biggest barriers in this country as a foreigner is the language, but with effort I resumed my English classes. During this time, I learned that every effort has its reward and so the changes that I had in my personal and professional life, the work and life experience that I accumulated in Guatemala, and what I learned in the USA led me to currently work at Ag Pathways, where I collaborate in the administrative area. In these 3 years that I have worked for Ag Pathways I have seen many candidates who applied for a TN visa that today are seeing their dreams and goals come true while working in the United States. Candidates that are currently developing and demonstrating their qualities and talents in different companies around the United States. In this country, with your effort and determination you can obtain many benefits and achieved the dreams and goals you propose yourself. I live my life by these two quotes, "Only dreamers move mountains" and "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them".

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35694 215th Ave​

Goodhue, MN 55027






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